C-Media recognizes your right to privacy and is aware of its responsibilities under the federal Personal Information and Electronics Documents Act (PIPEDA).
C-Media collects personal information about you only if you sign up for a Bike Locker or Bike Cage membership. We may use this information to contact you.
If you supply us with your mailing address and give your permission to be contacted, you will receive periodic renewal notices from us. If you do not wish to receive such mailings, please let us know by sending e-mail to pat@cmediaoutdoor.com by calling us at 604-830-5281, or by writing to us at 212-3608 Deercrest Drive, North Vancouver, BC V7G 2S8. Please provide us with your exact name and address, and we will remove your name from our confidential list.
Names and addresses of Secure Bike Parking members are available only to the C-Media Board, to the relevant individuals at Translink and contractors on a need-to-know basis. This information will not be shared with others without authorization or used for any purpose other than C-Media operations.
C-Media will not use or disclose personal information about Board members, staff, independent contractors, volunteers, or members for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with consent of the individual or as required or permitted by law. Personal information will be retained only as long as necessary for the fulfilment of those purposes and/or any legal requirements.
Payment information
C-Media uses Beanstream to ensure the integrity and privacy of the personal and credit card information you provide when you register for Secure Bike Parking. All information is kept private and confidential, stored in a secure location and accessible only by authorized personnel. For more information about C-Media’s privacy policy, please contact info@cmediaoutdoor.com or 604-830-5281.
C-Media Privacy/Confidentiality Policy
Last updated April 2014
C-Media will be responsible for all personal information collected about Board members, staff, independent contractors, and renters. If C-Media is required to transfer personal information to a third party, C-Media will ensure that contracts with those third parties provide for the required level of protection of the personal information being transferred.
Limiting use, disclosure, and retention
C-Media will not use or disclose personal information about Board members, staff, independent contractors, or renters for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with consent of the individual or as required or permitted by law. Personal information will be retained only as long as necessary for the fulfilment of those purposes and/or any legal requirements.
C-Media will make a reasonable effort to ensure that personal information collected by C-Media or on its behalf is as accurate and complete as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used.
C-Media will make reasonable security arrangements to protect personal information. Safeguard arrangements will be employed to protect personal information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use, modification, or disposal. C-Media will protect personal information regardless of the format in which it is held.
Challenging compliance
An individual will be able to direct complaints concerning C-Media’s compliance with privacy protection to the Privacy Officer.